【同义词辨析】 2017-11-30 克制restrain-bridle

restrain: suggests a holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes: ~ed themselves from trading insults.   (to hold back是本组基础词,表示 1、忍住抑制言行to prevent,如she tried to hold back her tears她试图抑制住眼泪,如you seem to be holding something back你好像隐瞒了点什么(不说) 2、阻碍impede, 如the policy will hold back economic recovery阻碍经济复苏 3、犹豫或使犹豫to hesitate,如the government held back政府犹豫了)   to trade insults对骂   restrain经常使用,例如to restrain one's anger/costs克制怒火/开销,to exercise/show restraint保持/展现克制, a lack of restraint缺乏克制, appeal for restraint呼吁克制

check: implies the restraining or impeding a progress, activity or impetus: deep mud ~ed our progress.   impede阻碍implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering由于阻碍阻挡使前进变得困难,如tight clothing impeded my movement紧身衣服阻碍行动, 如she is accused of impeding the investigation指责她阻碍调查,如economic growth is impeded by government regulations政府法规阻碍经济增长,如美国遏制/阻碍中国发展进步,可以用impede或本词条check,如the Latest: Biden aims to check China's growing...是美联社一篇报道的标题)

curb: suggests an abrupt or drastic checking or a restricting or restraining that tends to moderate: learn to ~ your appetite.  curb还表示路边的石阶 本例控制你的食欲,又如learn to curb your temper/spending/the spread of the virus/inflation学会控制你的脾气/花销/病毒传播/通胀 这组前三个词,都用前边的词解释后边的词,如用restrain解释check,用restrain, check解释curb moderate不过度适中 (drastic剧烈的严厉的severe or serious,如drastic measures/actions/cuts/changes严厉的措施/行动/剧烈的缩减/变化)   abrupt突然的=sudden  

bridle: implies a keeping under control by subduing or holding in: they could no longer ~ their interest.     bridle本意是马勒、马笼头a set of straps that is put around a horse's head and mouth so that the person riding or driving the horse can control it将绳子套在马嘴上控制马。   subdue制伏镇压压制, 如subdue the rebels镇压反抗,如in a subdued mood心情抑郁如the police subdued the unruly man制伏不服管教的人 hold in克制抑制感情,如to hold in anger压抑怒火,如sometimes you have to hold in your feelings有时你必须克制自己的感情

restrain克制: 指忍住不做某事或走极端(by force or by persuasion通过压制或劝阻,没有译出),check阻碍遏制: 使行动困难, curb(急剧)控制: 表示急剧控制使不过度,bridle控制抑制: 表示压抑克制避免失控

记忆方法: 1) 首字母RCCB本人常常<==因为克制是美德   克制和压制抑制控制的意思相同,可以认为没有区别 "克"的本义是1、战胜如攻克克服 引申为2、能力强、能够胜任,如克勤克俭表示能够勤俭


          3)克制的意思是使不做某事或做事有节制mean to hold back from or control in doing something.首字母RCCB本人常常<==因为克制是美德